Friedman & Simon’s Guide to Safe Summer Fun

As the temperature rises and outdoor activities kick off, summer brings sunshine and a spike in personal injury incidents. Here at Friedman & Simon, we see a 10% uptick in cases this time of year, and in general, a recent study found that there is a 15% to 27% increase in visits to emergency rooms from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The season poses additional risks due to increased travel, various outdoor recreation, and significant changes in weather conditions. It’s crucial to be aware of the most common personal injury accidents during the summer to prepare for ... CONTINUE READING

How Minor Car Accidents Can Lead to Major Surgeries

It doesn’t take a significant accident to cause serious physical injury that results in surgeries, high monetary costs, and interruption to your daily life. Even in low-impact car crashes where the vehicle seems fine, you may still be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

This month, we successfully recovered $675,000 for our client, who required back surgery after being involved in a low-impact car accident, which resulted in minimal damage to her car ... CONTINUE READING

A Legacy of Resilience and Brilliance

Marie Curie, born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, left an undeniable mark on the scientific world. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to receive Nobel Prizes in two scientific fields. Her groundbreaking work in physics and chemistry reshaped our understanding of the universe at large and paved the way for future generations of women in science ... CONTINUE READING

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