How Small Things Make a Huge Difference

Little acts of kindness make a big difference. If you’re having a hard day, any help can have a tremendous impact. If you’re stressed out, a moment of relief makes any obstacle feel surmountable. That’s why we celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day on Feb. 17, to spread awareness about how we can affect others with small but significant gestures ... CONTINUE READING

Who Pays for My Injury Treatment Following an Accident?

Injuries often hurt your wallet as much as they do your mind and body. The average injury requiring emergency treatment costs around $6,620, but the number can be much higher, and someone has to pay for it, but who? The answer can become complicated, as there are many types of injuries and many coverage-providers as well, but in many cases it’s more straightforward than you might expect ... CONTINUE READING

Teach Kids to Resolve Their Own Arguments!

When you hear the word “conflict” in the context of kids, you might think of schoolyard bullies or having to ground your kid. However, children have their own disputes, ranging from toddler tussles over toys to digital duels between pre-teens. While they are undeniably challenging, conflicts provide kids the chance to learn life lessons. They encourage young minds to put on their detective hats, explore new perspectives, reevaluate old ideas, and even cement the bonds of friendship. Use the following strategies to equip your child with the superpower of conflict resolution ... CONTINUE READING

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