Central Park covers a large area of New York City and draws tourists and residents in large numbers every day. When you plan a trip to see the beauty of Central Park, the last thing you expect is to become the victim of a slip, trip, and fall accident. When a slip, trip, and fall accident catches you off guard, you could sustain severe injuries and emotional shock and trauma.
The consequences of a slip and fall accident include what many people experience as the humiliation and embarrassment of falling in a public place combined with the pain and long-term results of a severe injury.
When you slip and fall at Central Park, you have the right to file a claim or lawsuit for the personal injuries, expenses, and financial losses you sustain. Call Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. at (516) 932-0400 to build a solid case for the financial compensation you need and deserve for your injuries and related expenses.
- How a New York Central Park Trip and Fall Accident Lawyer Supports You
- You Deserve Physical and Financial Recovery After a Slip and Fall Accident
How a New York Central Park Trip and Fall Accident Lawyer Supports You
Building a personal injury case after a slip and fall accident means meeting certain legal requirements according to the law. Doing so on your own is time-consuming and complicated. Moreover, a layperson may fail to make a timely filing that has a significant adverse effect on the case. It is also quite likely that a layperson would not know all the items of damage that can be claimed, know how to optimally document those items of damage, nor know the realistic range of dollar-values for those damages. It is wise for you to secure legal representation to compile the required proof of your injuries and filing the necessary paperwork.
When you are ready to review the causes and consequences of a slip, trip, and fall accident, a Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. slip and fall accident lawyer will do the following to advance your claim and provide you with excellent legal representation:
- Identify liable parties
- Communicate with all parties for you
- Gather evidence
- Determine a value for your injuries and all other damages
- Keep you updated on your case
For a free consultation, contact Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. as soon as you feel well enough Our New York Central Park slip and fall accident lawyers will assist you in your personal injury claim.
For a free legal consultation with a Central Park lawyer serving New York, call 516-932-0400
How a Visit to Central Park Might Lead to a Slip and Fall Accident
Central Park is home to landmarks, fountains, playgrounds, and basketball courts that attract local residents and visitors in droves. Located in the middle of Manhattan, Central Park is famous all over the world—so famous that, according to New York City Parks, it draws more than 25 million residents, tourists, and visitors every year.
The sheer number of people combined with the huge variety of activities that take place in Central Park has the potential to lead to slip and fall accidents. Tourists who are unfamiliar with the park’s layout might be easily susceptible to injuries from unseen tripping hazards or the crush of other people. Slip and fall accidents occur because of:
- Cracked or otherwise improperly maintained sidewalks or walkways
- Litter, debris, or other discarded items
- Wet or icy sidewalks and paths
- Slippery or broken or steps
- Fallen trees or branches
It is impossible to list all the different ways slip and fall accidents occur because of the huge variety of possible causes. It could happen almost anywhere and could happen to almost anyone. If you or a family member suffered injuries in a slip and fall at Central Park, call (516) 932-0400 to discuss the accident with a member of Friedman & Simon, L.L.P.
New York Central Park Lawyer Near Me 516-932-0400
Do Not Let Time Run Out on Your Right To File a Compensation Claim
In the aftermath of a slip and fall accident, your physical condition is likely to be your highest concern. If you are visiting New York City from another location, you might also be concerned about when you will be able to return to your home and your job.
Filing a claim or lawsuit might not be first on your list of post-injury priorities, but it should be one of the top items on your list for a number of important reasons:
- You could be entitled to compensation that helps cover the cost of your medical bills and other accident-related injuries
- Your time to file a personal injury claim is limited according to New York Civil Practice Laws & Rules § 214. Additionally, other time-limitations govern claims and lawsuits. Some of these time-limitations call for action, typically in the form of filing pursuant to technical legal rules a notice of the event, within periods as short as, for example, 90 days from the accident for a “Notice of Claim.” Failure to adhere to the statute of limitations or comply with other critical time-deadlines can have a significant adverse effect on your ability to bring a claim to recover damages.
- You are likely to benefit from providing as much time as possible to your New York Central Park slip and fall accident lawyer to work on your case. From the memory and availability of witnesses, to the availability of physical evidence such as video recordings, taking action sooner is much better than waiting to take action. The sooner you contact us, the greater our opportunity to build the strongest case possible on your behalf.
Do not risk missing the opportunity to file your compensation claim because of time restrictions. Speak to a New York Central Park slip and fall accident lawyer who will create set and take action on the most effective timeline for filing and prosecuting your compensation claim.
Click to contact our New York Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers today
Slip and Fall Accidents Often Lead to Severe Injuries
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as many as three million people suffer injuries, and 800,000 are hospitalized in falls every year. When you slip and fall at Central Park, you become vulnerable to a variety of serious injuries including:
- Broken/fractured bones or torn tendons or ligaments as a direct result of the impact of the fall or of bracing yourself for or twisting as a result of the fall
- Serious and traumatic head and spine injuries
- Emotional trauma resulting from the physical injuries
In addition to these injuries, you might also feel embarrassment from falling in a public place and in front of a large number of people. The injuries from these falls create expenses that include ambulance charges, emergency room costs, hospital stays, and lost income. If you or a family member suffered injuries and incurred unexpected expenses because of a slip and fall at Central Park, consider speaking to a lawyer about your available compensation options.
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You Deserve Physical and Financial Recovery After a Slip and Fall Accident
A slip and fall accident might leave you or a family member with serious injuries. When you are ready to seek financial compensation, a lawyer serving New York City is available to assist you. If you or a family member slip and fall at Central Park and sustain injuries because some other person or government agency was negligent, you have the right to seek financial compensation. Filing a claim on your own is time-consuming, complicated, and risks getting far less than you may be entitled to. Get experienced, dedicated legal representation to build a successful case for you. Call Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. at (516) 932-0400 for a free consultation.
Call or text 516-932-0400 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form