The Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. Academic Scholarship helps students of various disciplines pursue their academic ambitions. Prior to the start of the 2022/2023 academic year, Friedman & Simon, L.L.P., awarded its $1,500 scholarship to Gabrielle Catherine Stenholm.
The Friedman & Simon, L.L.P., team was moved by Gabrielle’s well-written and passionate essay about her drive to serve impoverished and at-risk youth in the Denver area. The team is excited to facilitate her long-term goals as she completes her first year of law school at the University of Colorado Law.
All About Gabrielle Catherine Stenholm
Gabrielle is a first-year law student at the University of Colorado Law. She graduated with distinction from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2021 with a Bachelor’s Degree in political science and sociology. Prior to her career as a law student, she worked as a research assistant and election commissioner with her alma mater.
An Essay Highlighting a Compassionate Heart
Gabrielle’s scholarship essay does more than discuss her academic ambitions and passions. It tells a story. The essay begins with a lovingly-described exchange that draws readers in and introduces them to Gabrielle’s compassion – and her area of focus.
Gabrielle uses her essay to elaborate on her work with the Gang Reduction Initiative of Denver. This institution strives to ensure that gang members throughout Denver have access to the basic assistance and counseling they need to consider removing themselves from dangerous environments.
In her essay, Gabrielle specifically elaborates on her work with some of Denver’s youngest residents. She describes chatting with teenagers as young as thirteen who are bright with possibility but who’ve already had to contend with the full force of Denver’s police departments.
Striving for an Economically-Fair World
In her time with the Gang Reduction Initiative of Denver, Gabrielle says she’s seen economic disparity separate many teens from their full potential. She elaborates on the vulnerability of children and families in low-income households and how, without the proper resources, none of the applicable parties can excel.
Moreover, Gabrielle states that “[violent crime] is not always born from evil or immorality; rather, it is commonly an expression of need. When I look at the American criminal justice system, I see the needs of struggling people continuing to go unmet. I see communities that are never given the chance to heal.”
It is in light of the need Gabrielle sees that she’s chosen to pursue a career in law. Upon obtaining her degree, she intends to advocate for a reformed definition of justice and offer children and adults hindered by economic violence fair representation.
The Inspiration Behind Gabrielle’s Essay
There are several forces that Gabrielle says inspired her impassioned essay. She cites her desire to make a positive impact on her community through the vehicle of law as one of the primary motivators behind her application. According to Gabrielle, the goals of the Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. Academic Scholarship and her own ambitions aligned perfectly.
Furthermore, Gabrielle’s essay elaborates on the ways in which the teens she’s worked with have transformed her professional ambitions. She says that it is her work with these parties that has pushed her to pursue a career in criminal defense litigation.
Applying for the Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. Academic Scholarship gave her the opportunity to make that journey easier as well as share stories about Denver’s vulnerable youth.
Above all else, though, Gabrielle cites her parents as her primary inspiration for her essay. Gabrielle speaks highly of her parents’ commitment to her education. She also elaborates on the compassion that they’ve inspired within her over the years. It’s thanks to their efforts and the lessons they taught her that she continues to strive for excellence today.
Gabrielle Plans to Put Friedman & Simon, L.L.P.’s Support to Good Use
When word reached her about Friedman & Simon, L.L.P.’s decision to award her this year’s academic scholarship, Gabrielle reported her unbridled excitement.
According to her post-award receipt questionnaire, “This amazing scholarship will help me to pursue my legal education with a lesser financial burden, which in turn is allowing me to work fewer hours per week and dedicate more time to my academics.”
Gabrielle is in the process of completing her first year of law school at the University of Colorado Law. She has two more years of education ahead of her, in which time she intends to continue reaching out to in-need communities in and around the Denver area.
Gabrielle intends to pursue a career as either a public defense attorney or litigator with a private criminal defense firm upon her graduation. Her current experience with the University of Colorado Law’s mock trial team and the Gang Reduction Initiative of Denver seems set to help her develop the experience she needs to achieve these goals.
All About the Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. Academic Scholarship
Gabrielle received $1,500 in financial support upon her receipt of the Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. Academic Scholarship. To qualify for the Freidman & Simon, L.L.P. Academic Scholarship, all applying students are expected to submit 500- to 1,000-word essays on one of three topics:
- How will your studies contribute to your future career aspirations?
- What do you most hope to accomplish during your college studies?
- How did your experiences or accomplishments during high school prepare you for success in college?
Students have until June 15, 2023, to submit their applications. Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. will only accept applications submitted by this deadline via the online submissions form.
As of the 2022/2023 academic year, Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. is happy to provide financial support to Gabrielle as she completes her first year of law school. The firm looks forward to seeing her excel in her field and put her passion for economic and social awareness to good use.